African American Faculty and Staff Association (AAFSA)
Article I – Name
The name of the Association is African American Faculty and Staff Association herein referred to as AAFSA.
Article II – Objectives
The objectives of the Association shall be to promote better understanding among the African American faculty and staff at the University of Connecticut and to bring the perspectives of this Association to bear upon the operating procedures at UConn. To this end we shall endeavor:
To facilitate, as completely and as meaningfully as possible, the educational and work experiences of faculty, staff and students of UConn.
To encourage the recruitment, interviewing, subsequent hiring, and retention and professional development of Black faculty and staff members. Must make this known to the upper echelon.
To influence the recruitment, retention, and educational development of Black students on the main campus and at the branch campuses of the University of Connecticut.
To influence the development and to maintain relevant academic programming in the area of education for black students specifically, and educational programming in general.
To develop mechanisms for increasing the mutual responsibility of Black people to Black people, which is in addition to normal responsibilities of members of UConn staff.
To influence and facilitate the coordination and cooperative financing, when appropriate, of relevant socio-cultural program sponsor by various groups (students, non-academic, etc)
To foster better relationships among Africans, African Americans, Third World people and all other members of the University Community and the surrounding committees.
Article III – Membership
There shall be three (3) types of memberships in the Association:
Regular Membership: Full-time and part-time Black Faculty and Staff (Administrators, Civil Service Employees, Adjunct Faculty, and Interim Employees)
Associate Membership: Members of the community at large who would like to support AAFSA (ex. UConn contractors)
Student Membership: Graduate Students and Undergraduate Students, and Student Assistants
Article IV – Officers
Section A
The officers of the BFSA shall consist of:
The Executive Council shall consists of:
Elected Officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer)
Appointees by the President in consultation with elected officers:
Technology Officer
Public Relations Officer
Student Representative
In the event an elected office is vacant, a special election should be held to obtain full cabinet within two (2) months
Section B
The officers shall be elected at the May meeting of each year and shall serve a two (2) year term of office, beginning on the first day of June. Officers shall be elected by secret ballot of the dues paying members in good standing. All elected officers must receive a majority of all votes cast.
Section C
Officers shall be limited to three (3) consecutive terms in the same capacity.
Section D: Special Elections
In the event an office becomes vacant the Executive Council shall call a special election with the most senior elected officer conveying the election.
Article V – Duties of Officers
The President shall preside over AAFSA meetings. S/he shall act as official spokesperson for the Association, including acting as a liaison between other organizations on campus. S/he shall have the power to bring business before the Association and enter into discussion. The President will prepare agenda items for each meeting. The President will initiate committees as needed.
The Vice President shall assist the President in any of his/her functions and assume the duties of the President if s/he is unavailable. The Vice President shall account for all committees.
The Secretary shall keep accurate records of the council’s proceedings. S/he shall notify the membership of all meetings. S/he shall be responsible for correspondence and distribution of copies of the minutes of the meetings to the representatives of each floor. S/he shall be responsible for correspondence between other organizations and outside parties.
The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of Association funds and make reports of financial affairs as required by the President. In addition to the Treasurer’s signature, all checks must be accompanied by that of another officer. The treasure is also responsible for collecting dues and depositing funds in bank account
Article VI – Dues
Dues are $20 per academic year for UConn faculty and staff.
Download the African American Faculty and Staff Association constitution and bylaws in Word format.